About Me:

A 40 something year old woman that keeps trying to get healthy, one way or another.
We are embracing a very lazy and altered keto diet as was suggested by my husbands cardiologist after he had a heart attack.
I’ve lost ten pounds after a month and a half and I’m pretty happy about it.
I can’t promise to be entertaining, but I can promise to be honest.

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    Things are rolling right along here in KetoKellyLand.
    I had two things that I wanted to brag about here and explain our latest crisis.
    Wednesday night when we got home there was a voicemail from my husbands father stating that he was en route to the hospital, following the ambulance that was carrying Rob’s mother there.
    A little background here: Rob’s mom got a pretty nasty flu bug and was hospitalized a couple of weeks ago.  She was allowed to go home but was required to be on oxygen.  We saw her on Sunday and played cards with her after our breakfast together and she seemed okay to me.  A few hacking coughs here and there, but much better than she was when we visited her in the hospital.
    So according to Rob’s dad, she had been having a harder time breathing than she should and Wednesday night it got to the point where she was gasping for air.  Long story short, 911 was called – she went into respiratory failure in the ambulance and was placed in ICU on a breathing tube.
    The initial voicemail was all we had to go on until around 8 PM when we got the update from Dad about the severity of the situation.  Dad told us that there was no need to come down to the hospital and he would keep us updated.
    All of that was understandably unnerving.  We hadn’t done much from the time we got home, to the time we got the update other than worry.
    Thursday we didn’t get any notification until around two in the afternoon, but the news was good.  She was still in ICU but awake and breathing on her own.
    Last night we were allowed to visit her so we headed over after work and she was looking and acting much better than we had anticipated.  She was in good spirits and a great time was had by all while we played along with Jeopardy on the TV.

    The reason I am mentioning this in my weight blog is the fact that I faced many challenges in the last few days that I could have easily said: “Screw it, we are in crisis mode!” and fallen off the keto wagon, but I DIDN’T!!!
    On Thursday morning I was a wreck.  No updates from my father in law and since I always imagine the WORST in any given situation, I was sure my MIL was on her deathbed.  Well, my manager chose that morning to bring us in bagels and cream cheese.  Bagels are my jam.  I could eat bagels for breakfast, lunch and dinner…and probably have.  And it wasn’t just any old cream cheese either, there was date and walnut cream cheese – MY FAVE!  I got very close to giving in because I was having a very bad day, but I didn’t.  (Full disclosure: I did pick the cheese off a cheddar and jalapeno one, and eat said cheese.)  Then last night since it was so late when we got done at the hospital, we entertained the idea of a cheat meal because there were no fast food burger places on the way home but there was a restaurant that we really enjoyed in the past.  Clearer heads prevailed however as we saw a KFC in the distance.  We ended up getting a bucket of grilled chicken and two large sides of green beans.  Since we rarely eat fast food (even when we weren’t Keto) this felt like cheating!  It was sooo good!

    So overall I’m pretty darn proud of myself.
    Oh and the hospital had a Starbucks in it (!!!) so I got to try my very first keto friendly starbucks drink.

    I was rewarded this morning with a two pound loss on the scale, so if feeling proud of myself wasn’t enough to keep going, that was.  😀

    Oh and I also put together a screenshot of my first video for my youtube channel, and one of the last video I did and here is the result:

    Results are a very good motivator!!! My face is so swollen on the left I look like I was taking steroids or something.
    Happy Saturday y’all!!!!!

    So my keto strips have shown that I’ve been in pretty deep ketosis all week, however I gained three pounds as of this morning.
    I was pretty upset until I sat down and analyzed what I had been doing wrong.  Self analysis is becoming a pretty big thing with me.  🙂
    So a week ago when 70 Pounds Of Life announced she was going to do a dietbet, I got very excited.  I’ve never done a dietbet before, but I’ve seen a lot of people do them and I thought it would be good motivation for me to clean up my diet and start working out more.  I signed right up and saw that it didn’t start until August 6th. Without really realizing it, I promptly started to get even more relaxed with my diet.  I was eating low carb, but not counting anything.  Eating more cheese and high calorie dips with pork rinds…all the things I had been avoiding for a while as we are trying to lower our cholesterol and such.  All the things that usually stall me.  I even went so far as to have a couple of chips here and there when someone was partaking in the breakroom at work.  Not enough to knock me out of ketosis, but damn it, I know better.
    I had the mindset that I could slack off until the dietbet and then go at with guns blazing.  And what if I did gain a little, once I go whole hog on August 6, it will be even that much easier to lose the little that I gain back.
    Yeah, not good.  I also stopped exercising.  Wouldn’t want to start revving that metabolism too early, better save it for the dietbet.
    I know that is a truly messed up thought process, but that is what was happening without me even really realizing it.  I knew it on some level, but didn’t want to actually register that that was what I was thinking.
    Now that I have accepted that is what my mind is processing, it’s to the point where I am thinking about canceling the dietbet.  But it’s only a little more than a week away and I would like to think that I have more self control than this.  Plus, I’m just excited for it.
    The way that it works if you don’t want to click the above link, is that you pay 25 bucks and the people that successfully lose 4% of their body weight in a months time get to split the pot of money from the “registration fees”.  It’s not about the money, it’s more about the winning for me.  I’d like to say that I won a dietbet.  Oh, and also lose those 9 pounds.
    My husband is losing at such a rapid pace that I want to share in his excitement.  He is also exercising more regularly than I and that should give me some sort of clue as we are pretty much eating the same.  He’s far thinner than I have ever seen him in almost 19 years together.  I want to have him say the same thing about me.
    Granted, I have come a long way…but I have been thinner than this in our marriage.  Not by a lot…I think I got down to 217 several years ago doing the HCG diet.  I was also running and training for 1/2 marathons so my body looked a lot different due to all the physical activity.  I looked and felt great.

    I’m ready to feel that way again…I hope.

    I’m pretty excited right now.
    When I first started on this journey(I view that date as the day I launched my youtube page to keep myself accountable – so February of 2017) I took some pictures of my body that I wouldn’t normally put on the interwebs.  I took some before shots in a sports bra and bike shorts.  NOT FLATTERING, but they weren’t supposed to be.  I had forgotten about them until today when I was fixing up my youtube page.
    I figured since I am down 30 pounds since then, it would be worth giving another photo shoot.
    Here are the results:

    As you can see, I still have a LOOOOONNNGGG way to go, but look how much my belly has gone down!!!
    OMG, it makes me so happy.
    I mean, I know that my clothes are fitting better and I’ve dropped sizes(haven’t really gotten new clothes, still rocking the baggy stuff), but to see this proof just makes me feel like dancing!
    Yes, it has taken a long time.  Yes, it has been a struggle.  But duuuuuudddee!!!  I’m doing it!

    I’ve had lots of weight loss blogs over the years.  Probably too many.  I can’t help it, I get excited when I start a new journey into trying to get healthier.  My most recent attempt was gettingmyselfbetter.com.  I started that journey at 272.4 pounds.  I couldn’t believe I had let myself get that fat again.  It was awful.  I began that chapter by just making better decisions about what I ate.  Less processed foods and more fruits and vegetables. Feel free to go to this entry in my other blog to get my background on my weight struggles.

    As the name of this blog can pretty much tell you, the new diet of choice is Keto.  I’m not going to go into how the diet works, there are plenty of other sites out there on the googlewebs that can give you that information.  It’s basically low carb/high fat.
    My choice for this diet however, is an altered version.  The reason behind this is that my husband had a heart attack last year and this is the diet his cardiologist recommended but with a lower fat and higher protein.  And I know that all the strict keto people will jump all over me and tell me it won’t work as well and blah blah blah, but we are struggling to accept life after a heart attack okay?  We are doing what we feel is right for our family.

    Anyhoo, we started in June of this year.  I had gotten my weight back up to 250 pounds so that is my starting Keto weight.  This morning I weighed in at 239.4.  I haven’t seen the 230s in years!  I am pretty excited about that.  So I am officially down 10.6 pounds since June.  Nowhere near as fast as if I were a strict keto-er, but I’m totally okay with this.  We are doing this more for health than for weight loss at this point as I was diagnosed with high cholesterol in June.

    That’s about all I have for now.  I hope to fill this journal with lots of positivity and progress.  😀